Monday, December 6, 2010

The Hunt for Rabbits

Not much has happened this week, unfortunately. I feel like we need to put out a want ad: DSAR- Desperately Seeking Angora Rabbits!

This week I got the parts of the cages that were backordered, which is a definitely "win" for us. This next weekend my mother is going to come help me put them together, which should be fun. I'll be sure to post pictures ASAP.

Also, I set the twist in the yarn that I spun over Thanksgiving:

It's rough around the edges, for sure, but it will make me a very warm scarf in the future.

Also, I tried to needlefelt a rabbit out of some angora fleece that I had laying around. There are no pictures because it failed miserably. I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if the angora just wasn't cooperating. I've been successful in needlefelting before, so perhaps angora just doesn't like to felt? I took the last bit of it and spun it to make just a little line of yarn, just so I could get the feel of it, and it worked out pretty well.

The big news of this week is that we want a rabbit already!! We've done the research, we've got the cages (although they're not put together yet) and we've even purchased hay for them, but we haven't had any success on the rabbit front yet. Either breeders don't have what we want, or we're having a hard time getting in contact with them. I guess it is an "off" time of year to be buying a rabbit, but we have a contact that we're hoping to reach that has English angoras that we are interested in seeing. Here's hoping that by the next time I write in here we have some more news on this front! *crosses fingers

Tip of the Week: Before trying a craft that you've done before with completely different materials, do some research on it!! I'm sure that if I had done a little research on needlefelting with angora before I attempted it I would have been successful. I'll have to look that up this week and see if I was doing something wrong.

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