Friday, May 2, 2014

New Pics!

All three rabbits have had their spring shearing! They are at various levels of regrowth right now.

The tort was sheared the most recently:
She's grown back just enough to make her look scruffy.

The broken tort was sheared nearly a month ago now:
She looks "lightly fluffy" right now.

The buck was sheared about two months ago:
He is adorably furry. He'll be ready to shear again in a little over a month. I'm going to have to trim up his face a bit early, however, because he's gotten it wet from his water bottle and the side of his face is starting to mat.

Here are all three together:
I love them! Aren't they cute?

I have the most beautiful fiber from all three of them. Don't you wish you could buy some?

Oh wait, you can!! :-)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fresh fiber, anyone?

Today my mother was visiting and we were able to shear the broken tort. It was about time! Now we need to get to the other doe. She looks like a puff ball right now!

My mother also took a large amount of the raw fiber from previous shearings home with her. She plans to card them using our Louet Junior drum carder and create some nice batts. She also took home several bags of alpaca fiber that our friend/business partner gave to us last fall so she can get those carded up. We might card some alpaca/angora-mix batts! They should be soft, warm, and wonderful.

I recently made a beautiful cowl from a merino/silk blend of yarn that has a bit of a halo to it, and I thought, "I bet this pattern would look beautiful made from angora! The pattern is called Lava Flow Cowl by Laura J Bellows. Here is my merino/silk version:

I can't wait to get some of the black angora spun up and transformed into this beautiful cowl!

So, things to do this month:

1. Shear the tort doe.

2. Card up some angora and angora/alpaca batts.

3. Get those batts spun up and start making beautiful things!

Want some raw angora to card or spin straight from the lock? Want some angora or angora/alpaca batts? Want some angora or angora-blend yarn? Maybe you even want to request a special project made from the yarn? Let us know! Email us at or you can always comment on our blog!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Blog!

I've started a new blog! I plan to still write in this one when we have specific Angora news, but I've started the blog FuzzyDorff Creations to showcase the myriad crafts in which I like to dabble. Come on over and check it out!

While I'm here, the "buns" (as I like to call them) are doing well. I just trimmed the black buck a few weeks ago so I have another pile of blue/black fluff! Let us know if you'd like some: $6 per ounce, which is a sandwich baggie stuffed full of the softest, warmest fiber you could want.

Send me a comment! Want to see new pictures of the rabbits? Pictures of the fluff? Want a specific yarn that we can spin up for you? Let me know! We'd be happy to oblige.