Sunday, April 29, 2012

Hello everyone! It's been too long, I know. How time flies!

Things are still going great with the rabbits. Our buck, who I lovingly call "Big Boy", continues to poke his head out of his door the second I unlatch it and beg for nose rubs! The broken tort doe, who I like to call "Tinkerbell", absolutely loves the little pretzel treats that I buy at a pet store and she will yank them out of my hand the second I offer them. The tort doe, who I tend to call a very inventive "Tort", will stand in her cage doorway and beg for food at every meal time. These three beautiful English Angoras have lived with us for almost a year and a half, and they have become a part of the family. We keep thinking about breeding them, but I'm nervous that we would have a difficult time selling the bunnies. If you would be interested in babies, please email us at!

On the crafting front we have been carding angora into batts for ease of spinning and we have been cranking out angora yarn! We have single- and two-ply yarns ranging in weight from sport to bulky. We also have plans to card some alpaca/angora blends together. I'm sure that will be a dream to spin!!

As always, we have angora fiber available!!! We have black, tort, and broken tort fiber- $6 per oz., plus extra for shipping. If you're interested please email us at!