Well, I imagine some news is required. After writing the last message when I was full of excitement to meet our first litter of bunnies I expected to be writing back with pictures of the kits. Instead, our doe was open. After all of that preparation, she wasn't pregnant. I was very disappointed at first, but I've gotten over it. We've decided to breed the other doe at some point later this month. Try, try again, right?
Now on to happier news- the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival is this weekend! We will be there once again, taking classes and talking to people in the business. I'm taking a beginning spinning class and a handcarding class, and my mother is taking an angora spinning class and a polymer pins class. I'm sure we will learn a lot about the different products we want to sell on our website.
Our website is still in the works. The friend that is helping us with our website is doing what she can, when she can. She also needs some different pictures from us. We're planning to take the rabbits outside on a nice day so we can get pictures of them in natural light.
One last bit of exciting news: I have a spinning wheel! My mother bought me a Schacht Ladybug for my birthday/Christmas for the next three years. I've been spinning some old alpaca I had on hand, and it's a dream!
Check back soon- I plan to take plenty of pictures next weekend and share them here. As always, we have angora fiber for sale! Please contact us for more information!